How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Record?

The Orlando office of Finebloom and Haenel is made up of attorneys dedicated to competent, rigorous DUI defense.  Over the course our lawyers’ experiences with DUI cases in Orlando and the surrounding central Florida regions, we’ve answered thousands of questions.  Among the most common questions, one has an answer that most drivers find startling and do not expect. “In the state of Florida, how long does a DUI conviction stay on my record?”  The answer: 75 years. The Florida Department of Highw
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3 Things to Consider When It Comes to Landing a New Job with a DUI on Your Record

Will you be able to get a job with a DUI on your record? Drivers who are charged and convicted with a DUI under Florida state law are often concerned about their ability to land a new job down the road.  In Orlando, a DUI conviction carries with it a misdemeanor charge and, therefore, it will turn up if a potential employer conducts a criminal background check. At Finebloom and Haenel, we’ve helped thousands of drivers charged with DUI in Orlando plan for the future and make informed decisions w
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Why You Need a Lawyer to Help Fight Your DUI!

If you have been arrested and are facing a DUI charge in Orlando, you need the services of an experienced DUI defense lawyer immediately! You need someone who believes in defending the rights of the accused but you also need a law firm with the right experience and expertise necessary to do so successfully!  You owe it to yourself to seek out a qualified, successful DUI defense law firm. In and around Orlando, FL, it’s important to hire a qualified DUI defense attorney.  At a minimum, do a littl
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