What are the different tests for intoxication?

Finebloom and Haenel’s law office in Orlando is comprised of DUI Defense lawyers serving those charged with DUI in or near the Orlando are. The following outlines a battery of different tests that Orlando area law enforcement may use to determine whether or not a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle is impaired and whether or not to arrest the driver and charge him or her with DUI. Field Sobriety Tests – These tests are administered to help an officer determine if the driver shows consistent si
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Should You Take The Field Sobriety Test If You Are Pulled Over For DUI

In our many years building defenses for drivers charged with DUI in and around Orlando, the lawyers at Finebloom and Haenel have taken the experience gained from each case in an effort to educate the drivers in Orlando and throughout the state of Florida.  As DUI Defense attorneys, we feel that drivers in Orlando should understand the law and know as much about their rights as possible. Our DUI lawyers and legal professionals get asked 1 popular question time and time again, “Should I submit to
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Are the DUI Tests reliable?

At the Orlando law office of Finebloom and Haenel, our lawyers encounter all types of questions from our DUI Defense clients as well as those just looking for a better understanding of DUI law in Florida.  We’ve helped thousands of Orlando drivers to either build a solid DUI Defense or simply stay informed and aware of their rights.  In Orlando, when a driver is pulled over and police suspect DUI, Florida state law mandates certain tests that have been deemed as accepted, reliable tools for law
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